It's been awhile... Sorry about that.
I remember when I was younger someone telling me they wanted to grow old gracefully. I didn't understand that then however I think I get it now. Except I prefer to think of it as embracing what is and what is to come. We are going to age no matter what. It's how we choose to deal with those changes that I guess would be the graceful part.
Granted I'm not that old yet. I'm only 43 and I don't look 43. When I'm out with my children we usually get asked if we are siblings. Kind-of cool right? Perhaps. However I'm coming into another stage of my life and I want to embrace it. I am embracing it. Are you ready?
I'm going to be a grandma! I'm so excited about this. My daughter is going to have a baby!
I know I haven't been around much lately. Here or on my Facebook page or anywhere else for that matter. Life has been pretty full lately. Work is going good and keeping me busy during the days. Winter is here. My daughter is here! She came home to have her baby and to do her schooling. She has orientation on Friday and starts classes next week. I think she is about 8 weeks along and dealing with some nausea.
Some have reservations about her being here. About her having a baby so young. I just shake my head and wonder if they have all blocked out where we were when we had our babies. I remember where me and my kids dad where when my first was born. Living with my mother. Certainly not any older or more mature. Concerns about me mothering her too much. Haha! I plan to! There are times when a girl needs her mom and this is one of them. There are times when a girl needs to be mothered and accepted with no reservations and this is one of them. Soon enough she will have to take on the responsibility of being a mother herself. For now I will more then gladly take on the responsibility of being her mother, of putting her first, because it's been a long time since anyone did that for her. For her, not just because of the baby. Her world has been turned upside down. I will do my best to turn it upside right. :)
So taking prenatal vitamins and B6 for nausea is now part of our daily dinnertime routine. We are waiting on the referral to the baby doctor for her first appointment. Boy or girl? There is always a debate on that one. I only know that I started dreaming about a little girl that reminded me of my daughter sometime last year... Either way I can't wait!
Hubby has been embracing this as well. He is looking forward to going through it all with her. Due to the weather he hasn't been working a lot lately so when he is home he takes her with him when he is out scooting around from place to place.
As you may remember from one of my earlier posts, I have been trying to grow my hair out and go natural. So yes grey. The other day I got a hair cut, short. Took off all the old blond so now it's just my natural blend. My daughter doesn't particularly like it but hubby and I love it. I like the grey. I also got a new pair of glasses as my eyesight took a bit of a dive. I got progressive bifocals. Bifocals without the line.
As for my son. Not a lot has changed. He is still in the hospital waiting to go into the treatment center whenever they have a bed available. He calls me once or twice a month to ask for money. I don't know a lot about his treatment as he still hasn't signed a release for me and for the most part no one else including himself seems that aware of what meds he is on or doses etc. His grandmother did manage to find out for me recently that the long acting injection he is on is Haldol. It seems they have taken him off the Olanzapine and lowered his Lithium. He isn't fairing so well from what I have been told. Audio, visual and tactile hallucinations. Personally I think he is using marijuana however I seem to be the only one willing to acknowledge that. He is drinking alcohol of course whenever he gets the chance.
I'm off... Have some things to do before I start work.
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